Creativille Journal

Welcome. Join the Creativille Journal Community!

Welcome to Creativille Journal Artist Survey—the first step in helping create a new model for publishing art and design news. You are joining the publication at its inception.

Creativille Journal is an artist-forward publication dedicated to elevating creativity in America. We advocate for under-supported creatives and deliver thought-provoking, inspirational works to our Artist Survey members, subscribers, and patrons.

Sign up today with a one-time $50 administrative fee to help us develop Creativille Journal. By joining and completing our survey, you'll be considered for inclusion in future issues.

What do you get?

  • The first edition of Creativille Journal delivered to your door.

  • A chance to be featured in our upcoming issues.

  • Social Media love from Creativille Journal

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a vibrant creative community. Submit your information now and take your place in the conversation!